Myth Busters: Is this true about your cat?

Myth Busters: Is this true about your cat?

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Cats will steal the soul of a baby is a commonly known myth through out the cat world, but we all know that’s not actually true. We are here to bust those often talked about myths!
You’ve heard the term cats always land on their feet. But that’s not always the case; truth is Mr. Whiskers can really hurt himself if he falls from high places. 
To ensure Mr. Whiskers safety make sure that your windows and screens and intact and that your high shelves and tabletops look unappealing for people watching.  
Mr. Whiskers can’t do tricks because he’s a cat? WRONG! Not only can Mr. Whiskers be trained but also it actually strengthens the bond between you two.
Since Mr. Whiskers is an indoor cat only there is no way he can contract any diseases right? Experts say that cats can be exposed to airborne germs or we can bring in some on our clothes from outside. 

Is it true that if you are pregnant you have to get rid of your cat? While toxoplasmosis is a risk for fetuses, a woman is more likely to catch it form handling raw meat or digging in the garden than from Mr. Whiskers. 

In order to reduce risk of toxoplasmosis try emptying the litter box daily, have some one else clean the box or wear rubber gloves and a mask if you are unable to find someone else to clean it for you.

Cats purr only when they are happy. This statement is far from the truth. Cats learn and begin to purr when they are just 48 hours old. Although most cats purr at times of contentment, Mr. Whiskers could also be purring while he is in pain or even in the throes of death.
You brush your teeth after every meal so why shouldn’t you brush Mr. Whiskers? Some people think its silly to brush your cats teeth but it will actually limit the risk of Mr. Whiskers contracting oral diseases and helps freshen his breath! 
You cooked a little bit of extra chicken for dinner and Mr. Whiskers is eyeing it. You might believe table scraps are okay for your cat but in reality straying from their normal food could expose them to excess nutrients that could be harmful. 
There are many other myths circulating the cat world but best thing to do is talk to your veterinarian about any questions or concerns you might have about Mr. Whiskers!

Order today and get a FREE travel size bottle of Every Cat Litter Spray on your purchase of $39 or more! Click here to start shopping!