How To Keep Your Dog Healthy This Spring Season

Our dogs tend to love spring because they get to spend more time outdoors!

After being cooped up during the winter it is a joy for them to be able to take advantage of the lengthening and warming days to release all of their pent-up winter energy.

However, the warmer days bring about certain health concerns so take a moment and make sure your dog is fully prepared for spring.

Below are a few simple tips to ensure that your furry friend stays healthy this spring season:


-Depending on where you live mosquitoes start becoming more active — and mosquitos can transmit heartworm disease. Generally, heartworm preventative medication should be given year-round to prevent infection because mosquitoes thrive year-round in many parts of the country.  And as our climate continues to warm mosquitoes tend to stay active longer each year. Despite this, some pet owners do not give heartworm preventatives in the winter, so spring is a good time of year to make sure your dog has been checked for heartworm and is current on his heartworm preventative medication. The cost of heartworm preventative medication is a bargain when compared to how much it costs to treat heartworm disease.

-In addition to mosquitoes, ticks and fleas become more prevalent as well. There are a variety of products available to combat these nuisances, so ask your veterinarian which one is best for your dog. You can use those regular cream treatments that your dog hates or you can use Tickless- the first ever ultra-sonic device that keeps your pets protected from harmful ticks and fleas! Start early as preventing ticks and fleas from becoming a problem is far easier than dealing with a major flea infestation.  Get into the habit of regularly checking your dog for ticks. Ticks are typically found around the head, on the ears, neck, chest and forelegs although they can be found anywhere. Usually, it is easier to find them by feeling for them instead of looking depending on how long your dog’s coat is.

-Spring is a good time to check and make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up to date. Dog to dog contact increases in the spring and continues on into the summer months. Your dog is exposed to more infectious diseases during this time of year. For example, many veterinary clinics start to see increased incidence of kennel cough in the spring because of increasing dog-to-dog contact.

-Spring for some people means it is time to plan and start your garden. Selecting plants that are safe for dogs will go a long way in preventing toxicities from occurring. Keep in mind that some dogs can enjoy digging as much as we do so avoid planting toxic bulbs such as hyacinths, tulips, daffodils and certain lilies. Fertilizers and mulch can be toxic as well so store them in an inaccessible area like a shed when not in use and do not allow your dog in the garden area.

Plants and flowers that are SAFE for your dog:

  • Camellia
  • Dill
  • Garden Marigold
  • Fuchsias
  • Magnolia Bushes
  • Purple Basil
  • Creeping Thyme
  • Sunflower
  • Rosemary
  • Coral Bells
  • Pineapple Sage
  • Polka Dot Plant
  • Fennel
  • Snapdragons
  • Nasturtium