8 New Year's Resolutions For Your Pets

The New Year is the perfect time for setting goals and building a better you.

While setting goals for ourselves such as losing weight, getting more exercise or excelling in our careers are all worthy ambitions, our pets are often overlooked in our New Year resolutions.

And with the love and joy that they bring us every day, we believe that the health and happiness of our furry friends should be among our top priorities for the New Year ahead!

There are many ways that we can improve the lives of our cats and dogs and the New Year is a great time to get started.


#1 Measure your pet’s food

As with us humans, it’s all too easy for a pet’s weight to gradually creep up over time. An estimated 59% of Cats and 54% of Dogs in the US are classified as overweight or obese. Measuring your pet’s food accurately is the first step to take to prevent overfeeding. Make sure you read the instructions on your pet food carefully and accurately measure your pet’s daily allowance.

#2 Improve your knowledge of pet first aid

Veterinarians are the experts, but most of us are not lucky enough to have a vet-in-residence 24/7. Even if you live in a house with other people, odds are that when your dog eats something he shouldn’t or your kitty cuts a paw, you will be home alone and it will be after veterinary hours. That’s why it’s so important as a pet parent that you know how to jump to the task to rescue your pets before professional medical help is available.

#3 Get more exercise

When it comes to health and weight control, diet is only part of this equation and in order to maintain (or lose) weight, an increase in activity is also necessary in order to meet these goals.

#4 Try a new activity

They say that one of the most important factors in successfully achieving a goal of getting more exercise is to find something you love doing. And this is also true of our pets! So why not try a new activity with your dog? From dog yoga to hiking, bikejoring to kayaking, it’s easier than ever for you to incorporate your dog into a new exercise routine. You’ll both have great fun and achieve your goal of getting more exercise too!

#5 Incorporate more playtime

While taking your cat hiking isn’t a practical approach to upping the step count of our feline friends, incorporating more playtime definitely is! Cats love the thrill of chasing a laser toy and toys that trigger a cat’s predatory instinct are a great way to get them off the couch and engaged in a little aerobic activity.

#6 Schedule a check-up with your vet

Have your veterinarian examine your pet at least once a year to make sure your pet is healthy and to help detect any potential problems early.

#7 Grooming time

Not only does grooming your pet remove excess fur from the coat and so reduce the amount you find on your clothes and furniture, it also helps to distribute oils from the skin to the fur, keeping the coat shiny and healthy. But that’s not all… the vast majority of pets love to be groomed and it’s a bonding activity that demonstrates to your pet how much you love them by taking care of them in a very soothing manner. To increase your bond and to give your pet the massage they’ve always wanted try our HandsOn Grooming Gloves!

#8 Clear out old toys

Take a fresh look at your pet’s toy collection and stop holding on to old, tatty, and often germ-infested pet toys. Now’s the perfect time to do a good clear out and to give your pet something fun and new to play with.